Upcoming Events

We look forward to meeting you and sharing our latest developments and achievements in the field of sliding bearing production. For detailed information about upcoming events, please contact us using the feedback form or on social networks.

See you at the events!

Contact Us

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For more information on GBT products and our bearing applications, please fill out the form and one of our experts will contact you shortly.

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  • Technymon Srl

    Sede Legale: 24060 Castelli Calepio (BG) - Viale Industria, 11/13

    +39 035 847 781
  • Himon Srl

    Sede Legale: Viale Industria, 11/13 - 24060 Castelli Calepio (BG).

    Sede Produttiva: Via Leonardo Da Vinci, 16 - 24064 Grumello Del Monte (BG).

    +39 331 665 39 56
  • Technymon Gleitlager Gmbh

    Im Gotthelf 5e 65795 Hattersheim/Eddersheim

    +49 (0) 6145-54600
  • Technymon Technology India PVT LTD

    Ambethan road Kharabwadi,Chakan, Pune - 410 501 INDIA

    +91 2135 645371
  • Technymon Technology USA inc

    730 N Edgewood Ave, Wood Dale, IL 60191 (U.S.A.)

    (630) 787 05 01
the world map with Technymon location markers

Sede Legale: 24060 Castelli Calepio (BG) - Viale Industria, 11/13

Tel. 035.847781 r.a. – Fax 035.847711

Cap. Soc. 50.000,00 € i.v. - REA BG445578 - Reg. Imp. BG 04222050165

Codice Fiscale & Partita Iva 04222050165 - Codice ISO IT04222050165


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